Bas & Janet at Ely Physio & Sports Therapy specialise in the treatment of all spine, joint & muscles problems with the focus of decreasing your needs for pain medication.
Treatments include sports and deep tissue massage, dry needling and acupuncture.
Whether you are looking to overcome injuries, get rid of pain, recover from surgery or just be in optimal health.
Our gentle, non-aggressive hands-on treatment techniques have been proved to be effective in the widest variety of musculoskeletal problems. These, in combination with detailed self-management programmes, empower patients to take control of their own problems.
Acupuncture has been routinely used in the Far East as a system of medical practice. It is one of the most researched complementary therapies and widely recognised as helpful in dealing with pain and health issues linked to stress.
Common problems we see include:
Back and Neck problems
Shoulder, Elbow and Hand problems
Hip, Knee and Ankle - Foot problems
Work-related muscle - joint problems
To make an appointment, please contact Bas & Janet on 07767 111589. Check out their website elyphysio.co.uk.